Skip the mall rush-Hike Maryland Heights-Bring toys for one of the 85+ kids that are in an orphanage or teen shelter and 300 kids in a feeding program all in Juarez and Madera, Mexico.
10AM - 3PM. Meet at the back portion of the Caviler Heights Visitor Center parking lot. Entrance fees are $10 per car. We will collect toys and proceed to ride shuttle to lower town. See the description of this hike below.
If you are unable to attend but would still like to donate please contact Pete.
For our first annual Black Friday Charity Hike, MOSS has chosen to support the orphanages, teen shelters and participants in feeding programs in Ciudad Juarez and Madera, Mexico operated by Rescue Ministries of Mexico. Here is why...
Children outside of the orphanage in Juarez, Mexico operated by Rescue Ministries of Mexico.
About our charity:
Our Vision: To provide a safe home for children, youth, adults, and the elderly.
Our Mission: To serve God and our community.
Our Target: To strengthen the Institution of the Family.
Our Objective: To provide food, shelter, clothing, education and basic medical assistance to people in need, and most of all to announce the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We appreciate the opportunity to present to you the work we do at Rescue Ministries of Mexico and at our sister organization Vino, Trigo y Aceite. Rescue Ministries of Mexico is registered in the United States as a non-profit organization under chapter 501 C(3), whose sole purpose is to provide for the needs of the shelters & Ministries of Vino, Trigo y Aceite in Mexico.
Vino, Trigo y Aceite is a Christian Organization founded in 1988 in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico by our Pastor Guadalupe Varela de Páez. For over 20 years Vino, Trigo y Aceite has been registered as both a Civil and a Religious Association in Mex-ico, thus allowing us to work with children, adolescents, adults and seniors in key cit-ies of the State of Chihuahua such as: Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Chih., Ciudad Madera, El Largo Maderal, La Mesa del Huracán, Chih. and in the city of Gomez Pala-cio in the State of Durango, México.
See more at:
Aurelio Páez (Executive Director) and a few kids from Rescue Ministries of Mexico
Personal note: I have decided to organize this MOSS event on Black Friday to offer people an alternative to the mad rush on stores that feed into our materialism and instead ask participants to bring a toy to donate to an orphanage in Juarez, Mexico for Christmas. (Stop by the local Harper's Ferry shops on the way home! :)) Rescue Ministries of Mexico is an organization that I have spent a lot of time with and can speak personally of its leadership. Along with the pastor at Shannondale Springs Chapel, Porky Jones, we have visited most of the projects in which Rescue Ministries is involved, including orphanages, shelters, churches and food/clothes banks. Over the last 13 years, SSC has assisted in house and church building projects, repairs at the Juarez orphanage, school supply donations, pastoral support, and clothing drives. Probably the most beneficial part of our partnership is the strength of encouragement both groups have gleamed from this long term relationship.
In early December, the Executive Director of Rescue Ministries of Mexico, Aurelio (Leo) Páez, will be coming to West Virginia to receive the toys and speak about his experiences with his organization and the adventurous life of mission work. More details will follow.
Thank your for participation in this toy drive and hike. Stay tuned for similar events by "liking" our Facebook page.
-Peter Petretta
A word about Withdrawal Time....
As with every MOSS event there will be a time of Withdrawal, where we take the opportunity to disconnect and re-engage with our Creator. This is done through a self-led time in the example of Jesus who, "Often withdrew to the wilderness to pray." We will part company from the rest of our group for a half hour and find a quiet place to consider a reading and prayers centered on our responsibilities for the poor. It is recommended that participants bring a journal and pen to write what comes to mind as they experience God through the discipline of solitude and silence in this natural setting. This will take place at the MD Heights overlook.
About Maryland Heights Trail-Harper's Ferry NHP:
"Difficult (steep and rocky in places), 4.5 miles round trip, 3 to 4 hours. Wayside exhibits.
The Maryland Heights Trail offers hikers the opportunity to see many aspects of Harpers Ferry NHP on one walk: spectacular scenery, geology, Civil War and transportation history. From the Information Center in Lower Town turn right to merge with the Appalachian Trail at the dead end of Shenandoah Street. Cross the footbridge over the Potomac River. Turn left (upstream) on the C&O Canal Towpath. The trail stays on the towpath for 0.3 miles, and then crosses a footbridge over the canal bed to Harpers Ferry Road. Be careful! Watch for traffic. Directly across the road is the Maryland Heights trailhead. The first bend on this green-blazed trail offers a nice view of the Potomac. Go straight at the first intersection to a see the 1862 Naval Battery, then return to the green-blazed trail and turn right. At the next two intersections stay straight on the red-blazed Overlook Cliff Trail. About 0.3 miles turn right for a narrow, rocky descent 0.5 miles to the cliffs overlooking Harpers Ferry. Backtrack to the C&O Canal Towpath."
See Sara Paez and the Juarez orphanage at :50secs in on Dateline episode Inside Mexico´s Drug War 2. (You may need to temporarily turn off Restricted Mode on YouTube to view.)
Photos from 2002 trip to Baborigame, Mexico